Docs / Bob-omb

Introduction to Bob-omb

Bob-omb is LaunchShop's API that is used across our services.

Table of Contents

What is Bob-omb?

Bob-omb is an API created by LaunchShop that makes it easy to work with our services for the Wii Shop Channel and WiiNet Revived. It's a free and open tool that developers can use to interact with our services.


Bob-omb is available to everyone for free. It works well with the Wii Shop Channel, our website, and WiiNet Revived. We also provide guides and examples to help you get started.


To use the Bob-omb API, just send standard HTTP requests to our endpoints. The API is designed to be easy to use. Here's a list of all of our endpoints:

  • GET /Info - Retrieves Wii Shop Channel announcements. Limited to 4 entries.
  • GET /Blog - Retrieves blog posts made for the website, not counting WSC announcements.


We have a list of domains blocked. If your domain is here, then you can't use Bob-omb on your services.

Domain Reason Date till unban
* An enemy. Permanent
* Domain owned by Dakotath, owner of Permanent